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Reach Out and Touch Someone
This is a post about phone sex. Apparently, people actually call the numbers next to the cheesy ads in the back of gentleman’s magazines and phone sex really is a (semi-)legitimate business, not just a scam like in Punch Drunk Love. F*Bomb tried to call phone sex once and the conversation went pretty much as [...]
Hot Yoga
It’s been over two weeks since New Year’s and unless we’re mistaken, all those resolutions to eat right and stay in shape have devolved into late night pizza parties and sloth like Netflix Instant viewing. It’s okay though, there’s no blame or shame here. Working out sucks. It takes time away from a busy day [...]
Just realized we haven’t done a hot gay post in while. Better remedy that right now! How do you think the mechanics of gay train sex (on a boat) work? Is it like crew, where one person yells “stroke, stroke, stroke” or does each dude just butt fuck at their own pace?
Pee Shy
After the still operational Space Jam website, amateur pornography is probably the coolest thing going on online. Across the web, ordinary people are fucking, sucking, and baring all for the world to see. Thanks to the wonderful advances of the modern world, the whole of humanity can now gaze upon the delightfully candid dirty pictures [...]