Category Archives: Photo spread
Porn Positions
In case you weren’t already aware, porn and sex aren’t the same thing. Just like how real life cops don’t actually catch air while driving at high speeds through San Francisco on a regular basis, real life sex doesn’t support a lot of the crazy positions you find in porn. Sex is about doing what [...]
B Is For Boobage
Boobs, also known as breasts or “tittaaaaaays,” are flabby piles of collagen, fat, and modified sudoriferous glands (sweat glands) that produce milk. For some reason, porn is really into them. We’ve never really understood why. Like, if you’re into lactation then sure, go right ahead and check out some milky boob porn but for all [...]
Spring Break: F*Bomb Style
Here at F*Bomb, we spend a lot of time indoors in a dimly lit office, squinting at a computer screen. We do that for you, our loyal readers, so that we can provide you with a hot steaming slice of the best smut the Internet has to offer. Horrible, filthy, terrible stuff like gay hockey [...]
May The Force Be With You
File under: Things that turned us on immensely.
Fuck Yer Face
Did anyone catch that the “girl” fucking cupid in the last post was actually a tranny? Sure was. We found that picture on the terrific tranny blog Trannies Fuck Guys, which came up when we ever so innocently Googled “cupid fucking.” We were only on the site for a second snagging the photo when suddenly [...]
Masks and Ass in the Year 2013
If you took too much acid at Burning Man in 2003 or are a diehard fan of homosexual explosion master Roland Emmerich then this probably isn’t news to you, but the world is going to end next year. Yeah, 2012 is more than just Mayan mumbo jumbo, it’s proven fact. Grant Morrison even wrote about [...]
Most Excellent Genital Tattoos in Austin Contest
What could be kinkier than having a gloved stranger repeatedly penetrate your skin with a needle in order to permanently mark your body? Nothing. That’s why the pioneers of tattoo culture were all hookers, homos, and seaman. And so in order to honor their legacy, F*Bomb is throwing the first annual Worst Tattoo in Austin [...]
Reach Out and Touch Someone
This is a post about phone sex. Apparently, people actually call the numbers next to the cheesy ads in the back of gentleman’s magazines and phone sex really is a (semi-)legitimate business, not just a scam like in Punch Drunk Love. F*Bomb tried to call phone sex once and the conversation went pretty much as [...]
Just realized we haven’t done a hot gay post in while. Better remedy that right now!
How do you think the mechanics of gay train sex (on a boat) work? Is it like crew, where one person yells “stroke, stroke, stroke” or does each dude just butt fuck at their own pace?