The Internet is currently experiencing an artistic porn renaissance. There are millions of Tumblrs overflowing with tastefully done explicit sex, naked ladies, and, sadly, not nearly as many dicks. While you can find the occasional black and white cock shot or slow motion cum spray, for the most part, the Internet cares way more about looking at big boobs and naked ladies. Even Camille Crimson’s gorgeous video odes to dick sucking tend to focus more on the “sucking” than the “dicks.”
But fear not hetero-females, gay men, and cock worshipers of all creeds and colors, F*Bomb has searched high and low and finally discovered the ultimate cock shot archive, High Contrast Cock. But wait, don’t click that link quite yet, because once you do you will be browsing beautiful, detailed dick pics for the next few hours. Before we send you off exploring on your own, we’d like you take a minute to peruse some of our recent favorites and hear why we think Craig Lapras and his uncut wiener are the cutting edge of modern photography.
To be a great photographer, you need two things (well, three if you include a camera). You need technical skill and artistic vision. Craig Lapras has both of those in spades. Where as the cock shots covering Craigslist are blurry, iPhone-in-a-dark-room hack jobs, Lapras’ consistently captures his member in the most flattering lighting and impressive detail. But what really makes the blog stand out is his willingness to go beyond boring old boners, taking his dick to a new level with each new entry.
This back-lit bit of ball sack glows eerily like a translucent jack-o-latern, allowing the branching paths of the teste’s pneumatic delivery system to come to life. Now, contrast this exquisite example of detail with this minimalist masterpiece.
It’s almost like a Rorsharch pattern. Can you see the evil wizard in the hooded cloak wearing a bib?
And here we see a still from the alternate cut of the movie Poltergeist, where the ghost is a pedophile trying to impress Carol Anne.
Is this what they call a “ball gag?”
And here is a prime example of High Contrast Cock‘s best recurring feature, “Guess what’s in my foreskin?” Can you guess? Take a guess. Write it down before you scroll to the next photo.
If you wrote down, “mandarin orange,” you were correct! Go buy yourself a mandarin orange as a little treat, or go to to play again. Lapras has fit all kinds of crazy stuff in his foreskin.
There really is no limit to the inventive photos Lapras comes up with at High Contrast Cock. We’ve only shown you the “tip” of the iceberg. As one last parting gift, below you’ll find some of favorite food related photos he’s done, but seriously, go to the blog. If all man-made art is just a representation of the artist’s fascination with his penis (and it is), then Lapras is truly cutting away the BS and getting to the heart of true art. Too bad female art never fixates on genitalia.