Normally, we hear at F*Bomb are pretty apolitical. We only “vote” so we can masturbate in a tiny private booth and collect a little sticker, and we only really vote when some sort of former child star or porn actress is running for office. But on the other hand, we vehemently support gay rights and the government backing of gay indoctrination for children. We see forced suggested homosexuality as the clearest path to a sustainable population and also think gay couples are just tops, just fucking tops all around. So that’s why we were so stoked when Minnesota Representative Steve Simon laid out the argument against the anti-gay argument with such clarity and politeness. Damn, Minnesotan politics is like the nicest people having the most civil conversations in the most rational way. Well, they did elect Jesse “The Body” Ventura but that guy proved to be a pretty rad governor and he gave it a good go against the Predator too, so I guess he’s not even much of an outlier. Anyways, here’s the video.
Also, check out the dude at the 1:48 mark. How many more cross-eyed congressmen does God have to create before people will hold their applause? But seriously, this video is rad, Steve Simon makes a good point, and then answer to his question is 7. God needs to create 7 gay guys to prove he wants them around. These 7 gay guys.