Normally at SMUT CITY, we try to demonstrate how pornography can function as legitimate film. We dispute the notion that porn is only relevant as brief, low quality fuck-clips on Youporn, Xvideo, or Beasttube, and that instead it is something of artistic merit that can carry out plots, dramatic tension, and character development and should be watched until the end credits roll, not just turned off once the viewer orgasms.
But then again, sometimes you just want to get to the good stuff. Sometimes you want all killer, no filler. You want to cut to the chase, skip the bullshit, and embrace the action without having to wade through unnecessary plot or dialogue. You want the pornographic equivalent of a Michael Bay movie. And this Saturday, SMUT CITY is going to give you exactly that.
FUCK YOUR ATTENTION SPAN is a short film collection curated by F*Bomb and Daniel Metz. Encompassing everything from Swedish feminist erotic to sexually explicit condom commercials to the works of Gaspar Noe and beyond, FUCK YOUR ATTENTION SPAN aims to be a hit parade for art appreciative perverts. If you’ve never been to a SMUT CITY before, this is a great one to start with. You’ll leave the theater with your mouth agape, your mind blown, and no idea how you will ever explain to your friends and family exactly what you saw this weekend.
WHEN: August 27th, 11:45PM (or midnight if the earlier show runs late)
WHERE: The New Movement, 1819 Rosewood Ave
PS: 18+ BYOB $5