If there were any justice in this world, RAW TALENT would be a widely available, beloved cult classic. Sex-positive teenage punks would broadcast their respect for the film by sewing home made RAW TALENT patches on to the backs of their studded, denim vests and independent video stores would proudly display framed, limited edition RAW TALENT posters on their walls. But there is no justice and so instead of respect and admiration, RAW TALENT’s has received little more than a brutally cut and censored DVD release that removed all of the plot, humor, and action and left nothing but disjointed fucking!
Well fuck that. This Saturday’s SMUT CITY is showing a full-length, uncensored version of what is quite possibly the greatest kung-fu, comedy, drama porno ever made. The film stars Jerry Butler as an aspiring actor who ends up doing some dirty loops for a quick buck. A few years later, when he’s finally caught his break and landed a starring role on a popular soap opera, his pornographic past comes back to haunt him. His only dream shattered by the cynical porn producers who played him for a fool, Butler is left with no choice but to FIGHT BACK!!! And by fight back, we mean this:
That’s right, this an X-rated movie with honest to god ass-kicking fight scenes! The quintessential 42nd street film, RAW TALENT tried to capture everything that it thought would bring an audience into a sleazy theater, namely sex, fighting, and comedy. The result is so overwhelming enjoyable that you’ll forget your watching a porno, right up until the devastatingly sexy Taija Rae appears on screen, that is. Anyways, RAW TALENT was so inspiring, we even briefly considered filming a full on remake. As you can see below, it didn’t really work out.
WHEN: July 23rd, 11:30PM
WHERE: The New Movement, 1819 Rosewood Ave
PS: 18+ and BYOB