Get ready for some seventies smut like only the French could produce! SHOCKING! takes your standard Cold War “finger on the button” nuclear stand off, throws in a heaping silver spoonful of upper class debauchery, and somehow makes hardcore porn feel classier than a poodle in a top hat.
The American president and Soviet premier have gotten into a drunken argument over whose cinema is superior and finally set off World War III. As the bombs drop outside their door, an aristocratic dinner party tries to retain some semblance of dignity. Do they succeed? Not in the slightest! As tensions rise and old secrets are revealed, the dinner party devolves into an anything goes orgy with more cross dressing, candle fucking, and blowjob contests than you can shake a baguette at!
SHOCKING! (aka LA DERNIERE NUIT or THE LAST LUSTFUL NIGHT) is an extremely rare film that is all but impossible to find in America! This will most likely be your only chance to see it… EVER!
WHEN: June 25th, 11:30PM
WHERE: The New Movement, 1819 Rosewood Ave
PS: 18+ and BYOB